Hope you are doing great!
Things are well in my neck of the woods. They do Halloween a night early in my town. So last night I took my boy (he was PT Barnum / The Greatest Showman) and little girl (cutest little skunk ever) out trick or treating. We’ll be set on candy for months, to say the least. :)
But back to our regularly scheduled programming now.
Halloween or not….
We gotta push ahead and can’t let that or anything else derail our progress with getting YOUR bestselling book ready to go.
Yesterday on my show Mostly Business, my team and I spent a bit of time talking about the journey I took to create and launch a bestseller.
There’s some great info in there, both on what to do and also what not to do. This is inside baseball, as they say, on how to launch your book in a big way so that it generates huge results quickly.
I wanted to share with you the video in case you couldn’t join us live:
And while we’re at it, it’s time to share with you another resource that I know you’re going to find very helpful.
Super excited about this!
This is my first time sharing my brand new PDF guide…
“How To Create A Powerful Title For Your Next Book”
Very excited to get this in your hands!
Click here for the PDF, no opt-in required.
It’s not just a fluff piece. It’s more like a workbook that you can use to come up with a title for your next book. And it actually is not spooky at all.
Spend some time with it, and then keep an eye out for what’s next.
What is next, you ask?
Well, let me tell you.
I’m going to give everybody a couple days to work on creating their title…and then I’ll be circling back with some ideas on how to create the outline/chapters for your book.
You’ll love that too, so keep an eye out.
After that, I’ve got some more resources to share that will blow you away.
As I’ve already mentioned, the game has changed with book publishing. Now it’s so much easier, takes a lot less time, and requires a lot less money…if you have the latest strategies. Can’t wait to share all this with you. It’s gonna be exciting.
Until next time,
P.S. Click here for the PDF guide: “How To Create A Powerful Title For Your Next Book”