new: No more 1-on-1's AND no-cost amazing graphic design
Serving up a few hot pieces on this lovely Monday!
Hello friends,
Welcome back to work. Hope you had a great weekend.
I have a few things to share. Number 3 is one you can’t miss.
Number 1
Have you seen this video going around featuring the CEO of Nividia discussing how he has eliminated 1-on-1’s with his direct reports?
Here’s the link, it’s really good:
I love it. Because I strongly dislike 1-on-1’s. That hasn’t always served me well though, as some people need more support.
HOWEVER, the type of people who report to the CEO of Nividia (a massive company) should not need weekly 1-on-1 hand holding from the CEO. He has 60 direct reports. They all have a group meeting each week. If somebody needs to be course corrected, he does it in front of everybody. These people are ballers though, very high earners. They should be killers and not need the CEO’s personal attention.
Most small businesses don’t have that luxury though. The type of person you have making $50k-$150k in most small businesses…well, usually they need coaching and guidance. Often they need to be checked in on regularly. And so, I don’t think we can all run out and stop doing 1-on-1’s. But I do think it’s a cool idea, and maybe you can challenge some of your people to step up to the plate.
Number 2
This week we’re back with a brand spanking new episode of Mostly Business. Noon central this coming Wednesday June 26!!!!
Join here:
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Number 3
This coming Friday June 28, we’re doing something different and VERY Cool. It is for Blueprint members. (If you’re not already a member, later this week I’ll give you a link for a free trial.)
This is a very special training. My marketing guy Ryan is going to show you how to create your own AWESOME looking lead magnets, ebooks, logos, ads, sales brochures, and any other graphics…
…at no cost.
A lot of people, when they are getting ready to do any of the above, they have to pay a graphic designer THOUSANDS of dollars.
I haven’t had to hire a graphic designer for many years, because Ryan and I know a secret way to do it ourselves. And the stuff we create this way looks awesome. It’s been a secret weapon of ours, allowing us to reduce expenses and launch things quickly.
Needless to say, you will not want to miss this one.
It’s Friday June 28 at noon central.
We’ll send out the info on how to join later this week.
That’s all for today!
Thank you,
Multiple times Inc 500 + 5000, Sold multiple business for 7 figures plus, WSJ Bestselling author, will be glued to the TV tonight for game 7 and rooting for the Oilers to pull off a stunning comeback!!