Welcome Back + Secret Revealed (actually personal)
I'm excited to reconnect and tell you about some new things!
It’s been quite a while since we last spoke.
I have something cool to tell you about, so, read on friend!
It's been long enough that I feel I should remind all of my followers that you’re probably on this list because you opted in to get my emails a few years ago. (Either on my personal brand site, or through one of my prior businesses, LinkedSelling or Connect 365.)
Most don’t know that over the last few years I’ve sold my businesses LinkedSelling and Connect 365. Grew both to multi 7 figures and exited for enough money that I don’t really HAVE to do anything.
I’ve taken the last year to raise our newborn baby girl and get out of a bunch of real estate projects that weren’t worth the hassle.
It gave me time to think about what’s next. This is what everybody asks when you sell your business. “What are you going to do now?” And if you don’t have an answer, or if you say “nothing”...people really have a hard time with that! 🙂
If you have ever been a stay-at-home parent with a baby who doesn’t sleep through the night very often, then you know that it’s hard to think about much of anything let alone plan a major career transition.
If you asked me just a couple months ago what I was going to do, I had no idea. But…
I have always been a believer that eventually the answer will come.
A few weeks ago I got the answer. Sometimes the stars have to align before the path becomes clear.
Truth is, like I said, I don’t have to do anything. But to be totally candid...since I have hundreds of thousands of followers, it felt foolish to just throw that away. There is only so much fishing one can do.
The problem for me has been I didn’t know how to continue “serving” in a way that also serves me. I didn’t know how to do that until now.
So, I’m excited to announce (soon) something new that FINALLY will allow me to just be myself and have fun, limit my hours to just a few each week, make good money, and help a lot of people.
I look forward to sharing the journey with you in a transparent way so you can see what I'm doing and maybe it helps you in some way. I don't have anything to lose because I'm not trying to build a big company. So finally I can just tell it like it is....which let me tell you, VERY few people are actually doing in the business world. Every time I log in to LinkedIn is a reminder of that, and I throw up in my mouth a little. :)
Anyways...the feedback I’ve received so far has been that this is a refreshing new approach to business. I hope you want to be a part of it and enjoy it.
Now I know some of my former customers and colleagues will be thinking…
What do you mean “I’m back?” Did you leave?
“I’ve been seeing your posts on LinkedIn still, doesn’t look like you went anywhere”
Well here’s the deal.
Over the last year, any content you’ve seen from me hasn’t actually been written by me. I had given the company that acquired my business a one year license to use my personal likeness. This is an important component of selling a business that you are the face of. That year ended recently.
Even with that license, they hadn’t been using my name too much. So for the last year, even the fake me hasn’t been around too much.
But it’s not just the last year.
Even before that, my marketing department was writing all the content that was published under my name. Emails, social posts, linkedin newsletters, etc.
This is the first time I’ve really sat down to write copy in many years.
With my last company, I built a marketing system that worked for me, with others doing the majority of the work. It’s something that I’m really proud of. I think it’s one of the greatest things you can do to grow a business. Maybe it’s essential.
Am I super pumped to be writing copy again? Not really. So why do it?
It’s part of the equation for how I can now grow my new business and work just a few hours a week.
It's the single most effective place I can put my energy, and then replicate it in a number of ways to create a lot of leverage in my marketing.
Writing one personal message to you each week is something I’ve committed to doing, it takes me about an hour or less, and it makes everything else possible.
I’ll talk more soon about how I’ll be leveraging that one message each week to create a lot of marketing firepower.
This is one of the things in my “Blueprint” for how I've grown multiple businesses from $0 to making a lot of $. Creating marketing systems that work for you.
Whether you are a 1 person show, or if you have a team around you…this still applies and there is always room to do better.
Challenge yourself to come up with 1 new way you can leverage your investment (could be $ or time invested) in marketing better, and I bet you'll quickly see how this is a pretty easy path to getting more firepower without doing more work.
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of the ways I did it. From when I was just a 1 man shop working out of my house, all the way to growing a team of 100+, and well…now it seems I am back again to a 1 man shop.
I think you’ll get some value out of the things I’ll be sharing here. Creating leverage and replicating yourself is one of the most surefire paths toward success.
Related to what I said above on working only a few hours each week…
In a few days I want to share with you my “criteria roadmap” filter which I’m using for creating my new business model.
Wherever you are on your path, I hope it will give you a fresh lens to consider things through.
Stay tuned for that!
And also stay tuned for some other exciting things I am announcing soon including giving you full access to my BLUEPRINT.
Talk to you soon,
Josh Turner
Multiple times Inc 500 + 5000, Sold multiple business for 7 figures plus, WSJ Bestselling author, working less hours and doing great at it, hoping it warms up here in St. Louis so I can go fishing.