Over the last few months, I’ve been gathering steam in preparation to launch something new and exciting. It’s called the Blueprint.
You might recall in one of my previous writings (here), I detailed my comeback and how I continue to stay in touch with the hundreds of thousands of followers I’ve been fortunate to share my ideas/content with over the last decade plus.
In talking with many of you, the overarching theme that I kept hearing from folks was that they need to get back to basics. For a lot of people, it seems that things aren’t working the way they used to, while at the same time, many of the newfangled things being hyped aren’t quite living up to the promise either.
This is leaving a lot of people feeling kinda stuck in their business and professional career. (Not to mention a lot of uncertainty in life in general.)
If I can use a football analogy for a second….
It’s time to get back to basic blocking and tackling, guys and gals.
By this I mean a well-rounded marketing, sales and business strategy rooted in time tested principles and with a focus on cash accumulation.
The simplest way to say it: There are a handful of things that if you do them consistently, you’re going to be successful over time and continue growing.
I started my journey into learning these principles in high school when I saw firsthand how a business (my dad’s) fails if it doesn’t have sales predictability and cash to survive a rainy day. Moving forward, I started to learn that these things have unifying themes when I got my MBA (with an emphasis in management). At the same time I was doing this, I was working my way up at the construction & manufacturing company that I eventually became CFO of. After that I started doing outsourced CFO work, and then began helping companies with their sales & marketing via the company I founded LinkedSelling. This company was on the Inc 500 / 5000 multiple times, and gave me the foundation to build a software company called Connect 365. Between these companies we had hundreds of employees and part-time workers, and thousands of clients. I sold these businesses.
Now, 25 years after beginning that journey, I’m able to take a deep breath and look at things from a 30,000-foot view. And see that there are specific models for succeeding and specific guardrails for falling off the tracks. I plan to spend my next 5 years consulting and helping others implement these models.
This is my Blueprint.
Needless to say, this isn’t just one marketing tactic. It’s a holistic blueprint for profitable growth.
Because what’s the point of growth if you aren’t profitable and building wealth? For 99% of us, that’s the whole point.
There are 4 pillars (more details on each coming soon) including:
A. Predictable Leads and Clients
B. Financial Success
C. Marketing Playbook
D. Leveraged Business
It might be obvious, but this isn’t something you just learn in a 90 day course and then you’re set. This is the kind of stuff that is an ongoing effort and work in process. That’s why in the past I taught these strategies as part of a $25,000 mastermind for serious business people who wanted to work with me for a couple years or more.
Now I’m doing it at a price that is much more affordable because I want everybody and anybody to be part of it. I mean, super affordable monthly price.
(And you can cancel any time because that’s how Substack works which is the platform I’m using. You don’t even have to email us to cancel and get the runaround or any of that.)
We’ll be doing weekly sessions for Blueprint members only. Led by me and my coach & great friend Tim Ewing.
These sessions will entail: masterclasses on the 4 pillars, an accountability program for those who want it, open office hours, q&a’s, networking opportunities, hot seats, etc.
Each week we will chip away at your master plan, and if you stick with me and implement even a fraction of the stuff we teach then you will be more happy and more successful.
(I’ve talked with some marketing professionals who are planning to join just to pop in on the marketing related sessions.)
You don’t have to feel like this is another weekly commitment to add to your plate. You can pick and choose which sessions have value to you, and dig into those….because the pricing is so affordable that you don’t have to stress about missing certain things. Because honestly there will be some topics that are going to be home runs for you, and others that you might decide to skip.
You can also have somebody on your team work through it if you’d like. And we’ll send out replays. Plus we’ll have an archive for the most important foundational components of the Blueprint.
So if you think you could benefit from a proven Blueprint to follow with some people in your corner along the way, then I think this might be for you.
What do you think? What do you like about this? Is anything missing? I’d love to hear from you, just hit reply if you’d like and I will respond.
In a day or so I’ll be sending you a more detailed view of the Blueprint pillars with masterclass topics that we have scheduled.
The Blueprint and our first session starts April 19 at noon central.
Appreciate you!
P.S. With every one of my messages, I try to include a marketing lesson even if it’s not explicitly called out. This one is a bit more promotional in nature, but I’d still recommend you save it in a file somewhere for the next time you are running a promotion. This is a practice I’ve done for years, so that when I am doing something new I have examples to go off. A lot of people see a promo message and tune it out…I often find those to be the best ones to learn from. :)
Josh Turner
Multiple times Inc 500 + 5000, Sold multiple business for 7 figures plus, WSJ Bestselling author, now helping other businesses grow via my proprietary Blueprint methodology, and gosh darnit it’s freezing again here in St. Louis!!
P.S. If you don’t remember…you’re probably on this list because you opted in to get my emails a few years ago. Either on my personal brand site, or through one of my prior businesses like Connect 365. If you want a software solution for email/leads/social, then you should work with them and actually it’s one part of my methodology, because they're awesome, but now I'm doing something different! It’s called the Blueprint.